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team Talk

Creating a desire to learn 

Training is a fundament for us, and we have worked with training in many forms for over 25 years. It has been classroom training, virtual training, e-learning and blended solutions. 


We are passionate about delivering trainings that inspire and make an impact - not only during the training. In fact, we think that: If no change occurs outside of the training, it was a waste of time. 


We work together with different companies to deliver in-house trainings for them. Most of our trainings are now conducted online, and we have actually delivered trainings online for over 5 years, so we are very comfortable with creating engagement and connection through Zoom, Teams, or whatever tool the customer wishes us to use. 


Our trainings are always inspiring and engaging and using action reflecting learning, and always adapted to the specific group for the greatest impact.


Examples of trainings we deliver are:

  • Leading virtual teams

  • Meeting/workshop facilitation - leading effective and engaging workshops
    For F2F or online (delivered F2F or online)

  • Train the trainer - Become a better trainer!
    For F2F or online (delivered F2F or online)


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